POLREC Training Open Call on Polymer recycling-POLREC Training Open Call provides financial support to European SMEs working in the field of polymers & elastomers industries.


Supporting a green and resilient Europe through POLymer RECycling: Open Call


Type of training activities funded :

Training on adopting innovative recycling methods (€ 1,460per SME applicant) 

An SME can apply for a sub-grant to have access to a training course for its staff targeting the testing of a recycling process for chemical, biotechnological or mechanical recycling of plastic and rubber waste, which the applicant presently does not recycle or apply currently.


·      Training on adopting digital processes (1,460€ per SME applicant) :

An SME can apply for a sub-grant to have access to a training course for its staff targeting digital processes that will contribute to improved quality control and tracking of the applicant’s recycled materials and/or recycling processes.


·      Training on specific technical profiles related to polymer recycling (€ 1,460 per SME applicant) :

An SME can apply for a sub-grant to have access to a training course for its staff to improve the technical skills on a specific topic regarding recycled polymer regulations and certifications, polymer recycling methods and techniques (quality control or traceability).


An SME can apply to one or two of the sub-topics of the POLREC Training Open Call or submit maximum two applications on the same sub-topic under the condition that each application concerns the training of a different staff member. The SMEs applying to this call can apply to other POLREC Open Calls, provided that the total amount granted under the different applications does not exceed € 60,000.
