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The Dublin IP and R&D Summit is the premier conference designed for IP professionals to get ahead in everything intellectual property, R&D, brand management, and the future of European innovation.
The first day will focus on Irish innovation, featuring content on IP awareness, building brand identity and the intersection of IP and investment. The second day will cover a broader European perspective and IP strategy with up-to-the-minute trends and topics in the world of IP; with diverse themes such as innovation for growth, legal implications of AI, global IP strategies, trademark trends, and copyright developments.
On 4 September, in a dedicated session "Navigating the Intellectual Property Landscape", the Senior Experts of European IP Helpdesk team will provide comprehensive overview of the various forms of IP and their significance as well as discuss the role of IP to protect innovations and build competitive advantage.
Please contact the event organisers for further information
Siobhan Horan